07:06duration 7 minutes 6 seconds
Employee Buy-In
12:51duration 12 minutes 51 seconds
Organization and Vendor Dynamics
06:01duration 6 minutes 1 second
Identifying Organizational Needs
MIOP Identifying Organizational Needs
05:07duration 5 minutes 7 seconds
MIOP Writing an Effective Paper
04:18duration 4 minutes 18 seconds
MIOP - Conducting Research
Conducting Research
08:51duration 8 minutes 51 seconds
Social Capital Cause and Effect Model
00:36duration 36 seconds
MIOP 516 Social Capital Motivating Social Capital
00:46duration 46 seconds
MIOP 516 Social Capital Organizational Trust
00:35duration 35 seconds
MIOP 516 Social Capital in Social Networks
02:37duration 2 minutes 37 seconds
MIOP 526 Week 5 and 6
02:45duration 2 minutes 45 seconds
MIOP 526 Week 3 and 4
01:21duration 1 minute 21 seconds
MIOP 526 Week 1 and 2
00:38duration 38 seconds
MIOP 511 Week 5 and 6
00:31duration 31 seconds
MIOP 511 Week 3 and 4
00:33duration 33 seconds
MIOP 511 Week 1 and 2
00:43duration 43 seconds
MIOP 511 Welcome